Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Backlog of work Unite Against Fascism March 2010

A wonderfully successful day that brought a community of all ages together in protest against the EDL.
The march was peaceful and the co-operation of the UK riot police services insured that everyone was safe and out of harms way. 


Sunday, 20 November 2011

White Elephant Clothing Endorse Violent Virtues Promo Shoot.



Silk Clothing @ Prime Skate Park


"No! I tell you no! I won't have you bringing some young girl in for supper! By candlelight, I suppose, in the cheap, erotic fashion of young men with cheap, erotic minds!"

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

The Searchers

Here are some images from another new series entitled The Searchers. A community of Wild West enthusiasts that get together to perform reenactments for the public. 

Steam Rally Drivers

Here are some images from a new series entitled Steam Rally Drivers. The series is a documentation of the touring Steam Rally Drivers within the south west of England. The shows in which the partake in celebrate the heritage and beauty of family tradition within the Steam Rally community.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Common-Unity (Series 2)

This is a project I have recently been building up, aspects of the underground hardcore punk shows within Plymouth. This project was a trail off or more suitably a visual plunge into my previous project concerning the music community of Plymouth.

I wanted to document and deliver the atmosphere, engagement and most importantly the people who are just as much a part of something indescribable. These images are personal to myself and many involved.
They communicate culture, community and freedom.

Shot on a Minolta X-300 and Nikon FM2 using T-Maxx 3200, T-Maxx 400 Film and printed on Ilford  MGIV FB paper.

The images above will be exhibited at The Old Truman Brewery, Brick Lane, London E1 6QL from the 17th-19th of June as part of the Western Approaches photography exhibition.